Villa Anna Lara


Calculate the route on Google Maps to reach Villa Anna Lara

Amalfi is reachable from many points: for car travellers, by the Highway A3 Napoli-Salerno (exit Angri or exit Vietri sul Mare); for train travellers, a train that stops in Salerno and then, catch the SITA bus for Amalfi at the bus stop directly facing Salerno’s train station; for whom fly, the nearest airport is Capodichino that is set in Naples.

Only on summer, is possible to reach Amalfi also by the frequent lines of ferries such as Metrò del Mare.

To reach the hotel: pass through the main square Piazza Duomo and go straight across the main street Lorenzo d’Amalfi for about 400 meters, till to find on your left side a little waterfall. Right after you will find on your left side the hotel gate and then the lift to reach the Villa.

The center of Amalfi is Limited Traffic Zone (ZTL) and the circulation is forbidden with cars or other vehicles to unauthorized persons and at specific times. We remind to our customers that the first access is always allowed to reach Villa Annalara and our garage. For any clarification or doubt, please contact us